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Monday, July 4, 2011


Because Diana likes signs!!!!!!
Lots of these       
Practicing for a circus act??
We didn't see any mountain goats at Mt. Robson--we saw them on the way home close to the east entrance to Jasper National Park
Falkland, BC--very patriot.  Also the home of a biker bar!! 
On the upper bench lands of Okanagan Lake
Yay!! Welcome home!! Also welcome to bumpy roads which will culminate with every street in Edmonton being a bump fest!!


Jane said...

Fun post. Like you I love signs too and take pics of them wherever I go.

onecollie said...

I think Diana is also a sign lover :)
I must say the streets here in Lethbridge are awesome !!

Squishy said...

Thanks Dianne!! Love them!! I love the moose one. I saw one driving up north with Squishy & Soleil and couldn't take a picture. Something like "Dog Bar", or ??? In PA area, the Amish have some really funny signs, and they are not shy about what they say too. That would be worth a road trip for!

Damian Black said...

Lovelly blog you have